Fun online dating questions

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What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse. If yes, how did you get them. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest. What are you better at than 90 percent of the population. What is one thing you still want to learn. What is your favorite movie. For what in your life do you feel most grateful. What was your first concert. Have you ever prime a bone. I hope this guide will help you on your first dates.

We usually use the internet for many things nowadays: we try to work, read the news, keep in touch with others, pay bills, etc. But in the past few years, some of us are also trying to find their better half online. Without doubt, this is a fast growing trend as we have less time to go out and relax — and also to meet someone new in this accelerated world. In the following you can read some fun and interesting facts, tips and statistics about online dating and relationships in general that can be found on the internet. I hope that a few of these will surprise you — as they surprised me too — and some will make you laugh. Best first date: have a drink somewhere, and maybe dinner afterwards. On the first date a restaurant is always a good choice, surveys show that Italian restaurants are the most preferred on these occasions. So sometimes pictures really worth a thousand words. Despite this, about one third of online daters do not upload a profile picture to their online dating profile. People who do upload a picture are better be uploading photos with which they can enhance their qualities and make themselves unique — meanwhile they still look attractive of course. Pictures about hobbies can give a great spark to conversations when meeting each other in person. When looking for a potential partner online, some of the most important dealbreakers are: smoking, drinking, political views, religious views, education, racial background and children. About 50% of all people on the world know someone who dated someone they met on the internet. Out of them, about 30% knows more than one person. The average time of courtship before marriage is much shorter when two people meet online than in person online: 18 months, offline: 42 months. About 10% of the population use online dating sites to find love. In 2010 17% of married couples met online. In the UK the volume of Google searches on mobile phones about dating grew by more than 200% year by year since 2008. There are about 3 million first dates every day on the whole world. The 3 main reasons of break-ups: 1: lost interest, 2: distance, 3: cheating. Chinese people use online dating sites the most aound 140 million people — more than the rest of the world combined. Some surveys in the USA state the average age of an online dater is 48 years, meanwhile other statistics show that nearly 50% of all online daters aged between 18-34 — I guess this latter one is much closer to the truth. One out of 10 users so 10%! One out of 10 users deletes their profile within 3 months. In the USA, women lie the most about: 1. In the USA, men lie the most about: 1. In general on the whole world: men tend to lie a lot about how many partners they had and what kind of relationship are they looking for in their online dating profiles. On average, women lie less on their online dating profile than men do. One out of 3 women who met someone online had sex on the first date — and 80% of them did not use protection! One out of 10 sex offenders use online dating to meet other people — so beware! Also, about 3% of online dating men are psychopaths. New couples usually in 3-5 months after they got together. A wonderful synopsis about on-line dating. Regarding women lying about their weight, it makes sense. My brother has said that out of all the women he has dated on-line, none were the weight they claimed to be. In other words, their pic were either old or photo-shopped. Ladies, you really need to fess up. He's gonna see you in person, so you may as well tell the truth beforehand! Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Akismet This is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google Analytics This is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. 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